Cursillo Freshfields Spring 2024 - Cursillo England and Wales
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Cursillo Freshfields Spring 2024

Date: From 3rd May to 6th May 2024

Time: From 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Venue: St Josephs Prayer Centre Freshfields

Please find above the dates of the Autumn Cursillo weekends. Please start praying for these encounters and start advertising them now so that people have plenty of notice. If you would like flyers or a little write up to include in your parish newsletter, please get in touch with me and I will be happy to attach some information for you.

We often find that personal invitations work best, so please do approach people who are coming to your mind. God might be using you to reach out and extend an invitation! So do make sure to ask them, as it might just be their time!

Many who attend a Cursillo weekend return to their parishes infused with passion and a new energy to take up responsibility, in the spirit of coresponsibility! For example, not only have
people become active in their parish communities and respective ministries, but have also been inspired to found new charities, movements, and get involved in social action. Whereas, others simply find a renewal in their faith, develop their understanding, grow closer to Christ and make lasting friendships, all of which can give them strength during difficult times.

These weekends are open to people from any Diocese. Please ask them to express their interest / book their place on any of the weekends above via email on or by
calling/texting 07947271037.

St Josephs Prayer Centre
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